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In the desolate ruins of a once-thriving Earth, humanity teetered on the edge of extinction. Ravaged by wars, pollution, and the depletion of its resources, the planet had become a barren wasteland. The only survivor Eden, was struggling to survive with his last few breaths. Suddenly, a mysterious man saved Eden and brought him to a planet called “T-8891”, a different space and a world of futuristics. The mysterious man is a resident from the planet, he dressed up Eden and called him to join them as one of the residents.

The design concept of T-8891 Collection is an imagination of the resident’s clothing from the planet "T-8891". The design elements such as futuristic logos and cuts on the tee visualizes the surrounding and resident of T-8891. The collection also uses and interprets an alternative aesthetic on tech-wear as the main design style with the presentation of graphics printing and cutting of the items.

The collection is now available online & in -store via selected retailers.


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